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Friday, April 8, 2011

Anna and her girls

On one of my first blogs I had said I was going to write about three of my goats that are out of the breeding business and into being only my pet business. In the picture from left to right is Macy and Anna in the back and Tippi taking up the front.
Anna is the mother of both Macy and Tippi. While my children were showing goats at the local county fair, my friends who showed goats at major shows talked me into raising babies and showing. So along came Anna with another doe and a buck in 2006 and I was in the breeding business. Little did I know how attached I would be to these wonderful creatures. Like any new mom I took alot of pictures of my first set of babies and kinda fell off taking pictures with the later groups. So I have plenty of pictures of Macy and not Tippi.

Anna is a registered fullblood boer (registered name FFB Anna) who was born on 01/08/05 who was bred to FFB Bentley and produced 2CF Macy along with her brother 2CF NOS born on 01/27/07. Bentley was a nice buck and I eventually sold him to Mr. Knape to improve his stock. NOS was my first buck born on the place and I used him for breeding for 1 year then sold him to a gentleman last year.

I took several pictures of Macy and NOS. Macy is goat with the white on her ear. I love my baby goats!
Here is Macy at 6 months...

Now Tippi is one of the last set of babies born on our place on 04/03/09. Her brother went to an FFA kiddo who showed him in a few county fairs (won first at one and 3rd at another) and went to a major show and did well. Tippi got her name because she has a white spot on the tip of her nose and a brown spot on the tip of her tail. Her dad is JRA Agnew's Bullseye who is close to being ennobled which is a big deal in the Boer goat world. I sold Bullseye to the ag farm to improve their stock. He was the most gentle, sweet buck I have ever known.

Last June I was laid off from the shuttle program for NASA and had about 26 breeding stock goats left after selling the babies and had to make a decision. I did not want to keep animals that I would not be able to feed or promote so I thought I would sell all but 5 to keep as pets. I had 3 does that I had retired from breeding, 1 pgymy doe and 1 that should not be bred because of confirmation faults but was real sweet so those were the ones I was going to keep. I sold the 3 wonderful bucks I had and the nice breeding does to places that would take care of them properly and thought...and thought..and thought. I could not get down to 5 because there were 10 ladies I just could not part with. DH said to quit worrying and just keep the 10. Whew...

Anna was always on the 5 list (along with Macy) because although she gives the best kids she has problems kidding and I always had to have the vet deliver because she carried triplets. The last 2 times with the first kid was turned backwards and born dead and the vet delivered the others. They would have all died had the vet not been called in. That was her last kidding because she was retired because of her complications and I did not want her to go to someone who would breed her because of her bloodlines not take her to the vet if it happened again.

Tippi stayed because she has great confirmation and looks just like her dad!

Anyway that's the story of Anna and her girls. I sure miss the babies but I will visit my friend's farms and visit goat blogs to see these beautiful creatures.

Ok...Eclipse says "what about me? I am the oldest". Your story next Eclipse...promise.

That's all for today...come back soon.


Sharon said...

Sorry about your job, that kind of bites! A shame you had to downsize on your goats, but I do understand. Pretty ladies!

C and C Antiques and Animals - What a Life! said...

Thanks Sharon! Yes losing my job kinda bites but actually everyone working on the shuttle program knew about the shuttle retirement about 4 years ago. husband and I paid off all our bills except for the house note and put alot in savings. The company I worked for was very generous in the layoff package so I actually like being off so I can spend time doing the things I like. My animals and antiquing! I just could not carry the extra expense of breeding and showing the goats.

Jim said...

I just love looking at goats! Always have. They look and act very intelligent......are they? You sure have a lot of experience with them and how lucky are the ones you kept!!!

V.L. Locey said...

Thanks so much for stopping in to visit us! It`s a pleasure to meet you and those good looking boars!

Inger said...

I love goats too, the and donkeys are my favorites. Thanks for stopping by my blog.--Inger

John Going Gently said...

Iamsogoing to get one!

fromsophiesview said...

This is so fascinating..thanks for the chiro info as well...I used to go to a shiatsu therapist who was a chiro.....loved that!

AJ-OAKS said...

Awww, your goaties are soooo pretty! Much better looking than what I have ever seen around here. Eclipse looks like he has a lot of personality. :)
Love ya!